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You got that "Holy Glow" (BTS)

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

This was such a wonderful experience shooting "Holy Glow". Bree DuVal connected with EV Films located in Colorado Springs and local Denver artist Chad Bolsinger, to create a new experience in video. They were able to capture the exact essence of what Bree was looking for which was 'the transformation of life when you give your life to Christ' much like the Butterfly breaking out of it's cocoon and the much needed process of doing so as it is used to strengthen the butterfly's wings. Holy Glow is the emerging of the beautiful Bree coming out of darkness, pain & tribulation and allowing God to shine through her like never before.

The artistic elements in this video give a story beyond the lyrics. From the muted tones in the beginning to the added layers of color as the song progresses is reflective of the journey Bree's endured to reach this moment of glow. It's layers of armor that she's had to put on through each obstacle by default. She has truly been strengthened in the valley and is now climbing towards the mountain top and can see it so clearly. Bree's directive vision for this video shoot truly came to life and exceeded her expectations. Her creative-eye has always allowed her to think outside-the-box and stretch not only herself but those around her to new heights and expound outside of their previous experiences or comfort zone.

Having artist Chad Bolsinger collaborate on this project was a true blessing. To have him spray paint this beautiful butterfly on set was yet another key element in giving thoughts of progression. He did such a phenomenal job. Chad's artwork can be found all throughout the Denver area where his murals can be seen on a grand scale on the sides of buildings, inside of restaurants, even postal boxes. The funny backstory on this butterfly mural is that the original canvas that we were going to use wasn't big enough but thankfully he had this extra tarp in the truck. After spending some time figuring out where and how it could be hung, the park's outhouse seemed to be the perfect spot! Even the park ranger came by to make sure we weren't blocking any entry-ways or painting on any property. After giving us the o.k. to proceed with our artistic endeavors, he even asked for Bree's social media handles so that he could follow-up and check out the video later!

Check out the Official Video for yourself here:


Meet the Crew:

Chad Bolsinger

EV Films

Bree DuVal

Click to Listen Now:

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